The vision of the distance has always been captivating for man. Seeing the horizon from the top of a mountain or from the seaside, raising our heads and look to the sky and stars. The technical intermediums expanded the possibilities of the vision: air balloons, planes and satellites as intermediums of distance; lens, cameras and screens as intermediums of proximity. But the enormity of that distance was supported by mankind long before by another surprising gimmick: maps. From Babylonian clay tablets to the amazing Google Earth, maps are the way we deal with the distances in our world. Maps are ways of seeing, interpret and read the world. Watching a map is like watching a picture, a way to start travelling. But the maps, as human creations, can’t escape from the bright side of it inherent humanity, as a representations of the earth made by man maps can show its beauty. Maps are a form of art. From that experience emerges ULTRADISTANCIA. Endless travels, permitted by the satellite imagery of Google Earth, over the earth geography to the encounter of forms and architectures, topographies and contrasts. Natural and human creations and the crossbreed of both. Cities, airports, roads and mountains. Lakes, parks and crops. Kaleidoscopes of shapes, colors and geometries. Although sometimes the distance does not allow us to see us down there, we know we are there. Welcome to ULTRADISTANCIA.